Not well? Become SELF-DOCTOR,

Take care of yourself in 4 clicks

Self-medication advice on how to safely use non-prescription (OTC) medicines to self-manage minor health problems like cold, cough, fever, loose motions & many such conditions. Its easy. Its free.
Generate my self-medication advice now

What is soctor?

  • Do-It-Yourself service
  • Designed by doctors
  • Enter your symptoms
  • Get algorithm generated self-care advice
  • To self-manage minor health problems

Faced these situations?

Then Soctor is for you

How it works

1. Generate advice

Enter your symptoms/complaints and generate free self-medication advice

2. Get medicines

As per advice grab medicines available at home or purchase from nearby pharmacy

3. Take medicines

Take medicines as per instruction & get relief from health problems

Its safe & its easy

  • Self-care advice developed by doctors
  • Reviewed by expert doctors for safety & efficacy
  • Its easy. Just 4 clicks

Its convenient & its free

  • No fee, No appointment, No waiting
  • Save time & money
  • Limit severity of illness & suffering

Say yes to responsible self-medication

Antibiotic resistance

No antibiotics are prescribed

Misdiagnosis of illness

No diagnosis is made

Incorrect choice of therapy

Right therapies developed by doctors

Incorrect dosage

Right dose & instructions

Helping you to help yourself

  • Unqualified pharmacist advice can be harmful
  • Dr Google advice may not be relevant
  • Your doctor is the best person to treat you
  • Soctor is safe way to self-medicate before visiting a doctor
Get my doctor-grade advice now

Let your friends, colleagues & relatives benefit from responsible self-care. Invite them